A Double-blind Dual Study Assessing Safety and Efficacy of Buntanetap in Participants with Early AD.
Study goal: To determine whether a daily dose (30mg) of buntanetap is effective in treating early AD.
Duration: 6-month (symptomatic) & 18-month (disease-modifying).
Key inclusion criteria: Adults aged 55-85, pTau217 plasma level positive for AD, MMSE 21-28.
Estimated enrollment: 750 patients.
Clinical sites: ~100 (sites will be opened over time, not simultaneously).
More information can be found at clinicaltrials.gov.
The study was completed with 345 patients, of which 90 were identified as having mild AD (MMSE 21-24). These 90 AD patients showed dose-dependent, statistically significant improvements from placebo in the two higher concentrations (15mg, p=0.042; 30mg, p=0.015) and all doses showed significant improvement over baseline (7.5mg, p= 0.013; 15mg p=0.001; 30mg p<0.001).
The data further showed that APOE4 carriers respond well to the drug improving by 3 - 4 points in ADAS-Cog11, similar to the response seen in non-carriers.
For additional information see – News Releases
A total of 471 patients completed Phase 3 study in early Parkinson’s disease. The results showed that buntanetap improved MDS-UPDRS Part II, Part III, Part II+III and Total scores in patients with a >3-year diagnosis as well as in patients with Postural Instability and Gait Difficulties (PIGD). Moreover, we noticed that cognition (MMSE) worsened over 6 months in placebo Parkinson's patients, whereas for buntanetap-treated patients cognitive decline was completely stopped.
Two Phase 2a studies in AD patients demonstrated an improvement in cognitive functions over baseline after 20-28 days of treatment with buntanetap.
In the Phase 2a Discover study, 60mg of buntanetap given for 20 days showed a strong trend in improving ADAS-Cog11 score, while in Phase 2a AD/PD study, 80mg buntanetap given over 25 days showed clinically significant improvement (p=0.04) in ADAS-Cog11 by 4.4 points from baseline and 3.3 points over placebo (MMSE 18-28).
Data from 14 AD patients showed that ADAS-Cog11 improved by 4.4 points from baseline in the buntanetap-treated group, a statistically significant improvement of 30% (p<0.05). At 25 days, the treated group was also 3.3 points better than the placebo. The WAIS coding, which measured speed in movement and thinking, showed a statistically significant 23% improvement in AD patients treated with buntanetap compared to baseline.
All buntanetap treatment groups combined showed statistically significant improvement in the MDS-UPDRS Part III and WAIS coding test. In this study, patients receiving 10mg and 20mg of buntanetap were the best performing groups. (* p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001).
Publication: Fang et al., 2022